Thursday, September 27, 2007
Training humans
Well, I think I've done a pretty good job training my Mama, and it's hardly taken any time at all. If I lay on the floor and look at her, she'll get down on the floor with me and pet and brush me. I love that. And if I do a really big yawn when it's dark outside, she'll say it's bedtime. And bedtime means I get a treat! I actually got two treats today. She was eating an apple, and I kept looking at her with my big brown eyes and putting my paws up on her knee, and before long, she caved and gave me a piece. It was yummy. Training her was way easier than I ever thought it would be.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Friends and fall Saturdays
Here are two of my best friends:

The bear is Fritz, and the lamb is Shaun. They're great pals. Sometimes Shaun and I eat hay together, and Fritz gives really good forehead rubs. And sometimes they even let me out of my cage while my Mama's at work. (Ssh! Don't tell my Mama that, ok? It'll be our little secret.)
Fritz was very sad for a couple of weeks recently. My mama turned on the tv one Saturday, and there were a bunch of huge people with funny helmets on the screen. After a bit, Mama said a bunch of really bad words and turned off the tv. Fritz pulled his sweatshirt hood up over his head, and I think I saw a couple of polar bear tears. But then Saturday before last, Mama put on a shirt like the people with the helmets on tv had and went to a game, and when she came back later that day, she was happy and Fritz put his hood back down and was happy, too. Do you think that maybe my Mama played with those huge people and that's what made them better?
The bear is Fritz, and the lamb is Shaun. They're great pals. Sometimes Shaun and I eat hay together, and Fritz gives really good forehead rubs. And sometimes they even let me out of my cage while my Mama's at work. (Ssh! Don't tell my Mama that, ok? It'll be our little secret.)
Fritz was very sad for a couple of weeks recently. My mama turned on the tv one Saturday, and there were a bunch of huge people with funny helmets on the screen. After a bit, Mama said a bunch of really bad words and turned off the tv. Fritz pulled his sweatshirt hood up over his head, and I think I saw a couple of polar bear tears. But then Saturday before last, Mama put on a shirt like the people with the helmets on tv had and went to a game, and when she came back later that day, she was happy and Fritz put his hood back down and was happy, too. Do you think that maybe my Mama played with those huge people and that's what made them better?
Friday, September 21, 2007
Here's the last installment of my latest journal:
September 2, 2007
It's me, Dylan. I've got to tell you this. I woke up several times in the night when I kept hearing this rumbling noise. Was it thunder, a volcanic eruption, an earthquake? Then I remembered, my Grammy's here and it was her snoring! Once I realized what it was, it actually lulled me back into slumber.
Grammy and that lady were gone part of the day, so I just chilled out in my cage - and rearranged my pile of hay.
When they got back, that lady let me into my playpen, so I instantly gophered all over the place.
Then I got my greens and FREEDOM! I messed around under the couch for a while. Then I sat down by the bookshelf next to the slider. I've found if I lay there, I can keep my eyes on both of them. Geez, Mama, keeping track of those to have been a full time job.
I spent a lot of time in the closet tonight. Finally, I dug off a piece of cardboard and ran around with it in my mouth.
When you're back, Mama, we'll have a talk about that lamp cord I can hear Grammy telling you about - the snitch!
I'm eating lots of hay tonight - so I'll still have that round bunny tummy you love - when you get back tomorrow. I've missed you, Mama. I'll be so excited to see you have have you tuck me in tomorrow night.
Well, I zoomed around the living room 4 times in a row tonight - so I'm pooped. But not to pooped to eat my peach! YUM!
Sweet dreams, Mama
I love you
September 3, 2007
Boy, was I starving this morning. I just inhaled my bowl of pellets. When that lady reached in to put my bowl down, she noticed I had just about devoured every morsel of hay she'd put in there yesterday. But I tell you, Mama, it takes a lot of food to keep me in this sleek, svelte form.
Actually, I've been happy humming all morning, because my Mama's comin' home today!
It was OK to have these other two here for awhile. But I can only handle it in small doses. They sort of inhibited my spurts of bunny creativity. You know what I mean?
I can't wait to stay up and play with you all night tonight, Mama! I know you've missed me and want to pet me and feed me and just, in general, remember how cool I am.
I'm going to snooze and bunny nap all day - so I'll be charged and ready to roll when you let me out.
You're the BEST Mama in the world!
Bunny nuzzles and kisses,
Your little furball, Dylan
September 2, 2007
It's me, Dylan. I've got to tell you this. I woke up several times in the night when I kept hearing this rumbling noise. Was it thunder, a volcanic eruption, an earthquake? Then I remembered, my Grammy's here and it was her snoring! Once I realized what it was, it actually lulled me back into slumber.
Grammy and that lady were gone part of the day, so I just chilled out in my cage - and rearranged my pile of hay.
When they got back, that lady let me into my playpen, so I instantly gophered all over the place.
Then I got my greens and FREEDOM! I messed around under the couch for a while. Then I sat down by the bookshelf next to the slider. I've found if I lay there, I can keep my eyes on both of them. Geez, Mama, keeping track of those to have been a full time job.
I spent a lot of time in the closet tonight. Finally, I dug off a piece of cardboard and ran around with it in my mouth.
When you're back, Mama, we'll have a talk about that lamp cord I can hear Grammy telling you about - the snitch!
I'm eating lots of hay tonight - so I'll still have that round bunny tummy you love - when you get back tomorrow. I've missed you, Mama. I'll be so excited to see you have have you tuck me in tomorrow night.
Well, I zoomed around the living room 4 times in a row tonight - so I'm pooped. But not to pooped to eat my peach! YUM!
Sweet dreams, Mama
I love you
September 3, 2007
Boy, was I starving this morning. I just inhaled my bowl of pellets. When that lady reached in to put my bowl down, she noticed I had just about devoured every morsel of hay she'd put in there yesterday. But I tell you, Mama, it takes a lot of food to keep me in this sleek, svelte form.
Actually, I've been happy humming all morning, because my Mama's comin' home today!
It was OK to have these other two here for awhile. But I can only handle it in small doses. They sort of inhibited my spurts of bunny creativity. You know what I mean?
I can't wait to stay up and play with you all night tonight, Mama! I know you've missed me and want to pet me and feed me and just, in general, remember how cool I am.
I'm going to snooze and bunny nap all day - so I'll be charged and ready to roll when you let me out.
You're the BEST Mama in the world!
Bunny nuzzles and kisses,
Your little furball, Dylan
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
September 1, 2007
Mornin' Mama,
Whatcha doin' this morning, Mama?
Pellets given to me. Pellets eaten by me. I think it makes that lady feel good when I eat what she gives me. But you and I know, Mama that you're the one who grows my pellets.
Guess what? My Grammy is coming today. I haven't decided yet if I'll be friendly or should play hard to get. Heh heh - this is going to be fun!
Ok - she got here. That lady told me my Grammy was here and she went out to let her in. I was semi asleep inside my cage. When they came in the apartment, I'd gone undercover. I mean that. I had slipped under my blue blanket and sat there real still - because I knew they couldn't see me since I couldn't see them. But that lady blew my cover, so I had to pop out and say hiya to Grammy, even though I felt a little shy.
Later, that lady gave me my bowl of greens and gave me the run of the house. I didn't eat my greens right away. I was testing Grammy to see if she'd be my food bowl competition, but she wasn't. So after I ran and explored awhile, I polished off my bowl.
I even let Grammy brush me on the couch - ha ha - she'd forgotten she'd just cleaned the bunny fur off the couch. Anyway, I only let her have a few swipes with the brush. I didn't want her to get any ideas about ribbons or pink bows in my fur - so I took off.
So, I had this plan. Let the two of them start talking to each other, and little ol' Dylan can do what he wants. I did get in two good chomps of the woodwork by the bathroom door. But in my exuberance to chew, I guess I was a little loud, cause that lady was down the hall in a flash. Surprised the hell (er, heck) out of me, because I took it for granted she couldn't move that fast. Well, now I know.
The rest of the night went OK. I let them both pet me, because I was trying to be a good host.
Before I knew it, that lady had gone into the kitchen and ooh-la-la, Mama, it was time for your little honey bunny to have his bedtime snack. Peaches are a bunny's best friend.
Night, Mama,
I love you
September 1, 2007
Mornin' Mama,
Whatcha doin' this morning, Mama?
Pellets given to me. Pellets eaten by me. I think it makes that lady feel good when I eat what she gives me. But you and I know, Mama that you're the one who grows my pellets.
Guess what? My Grammy is coming today. I haven't decided yet if I'll be friendly or should play hard to get. Heh heh - this is going to be fun!
Ok - she got here. That lady told me my Grammy was here and she went out to let her in. I was semi asleep inside my cage. When they came in the apartment, I'd gone undercover. I mean that. I had slipped under my blue blanket and sat there real still - because I knew they couldn't see me since I couldn't see them. But that lady blew my cover, so I had to pop out and say hiya to Grammy, even though I felt a little shy.
Later, that lady gave me my bowl of greens and gave me the run of the house. I didn't eat my greens right away. I was testing Grammy to see if she'd be my food bowl competition, but she wasn't. So after I ran and explored awhile, I polished off my bowl.
I even let Grammy brush me on the couch - ha ha - she'd forgotten she'd just cleaned the bunny fur off the couch. Anyway, I only let her have a few swipes with the brush. I didn't want her to get any ideas about ribbons or pink bows in my fur - so I took off.
So, I had this plan. Let the two of them start talking to each other, and little ol' Dylan can do what he wants. I did get in two good chomps of the woodwork by the bathroom door. But in my exuberance to chew, I guess I was a little loud, cause that lady was down the hall in a flash. Surprised the hell (er, heck) out of me, because I took it for granted she couldn't move that fast. Well, now I know.
The rest of the night went OK. I let them both pet me, because I was trying to be a good host.
Before I knew it, that lady had gone into the kitchen and ooh-la-la, Mama, it was time for your little honey bunny to have his bedtime snack. Peaches are a bunny's best friend.
Night, Mama,
I love you
Sunday, September 9, 2007
August 31, 2007
Hi Mama,
Got my pellets right on time this morning - actually, any time I get them is right on time. They were soooo good. You sure know how to make good pellets, Mama. Then I sacked out in my cage while that lady went out for a walk.
When she let me into my playpen at 11 am, I was really frisky. I just ran and ran. Thought maybe she'd see how much running I was doing and give me the whole place, but it didn't work. So I occupied some time, yup, you guessed it, by digging!
I let that lady pet me quite a bit while I was in my playpen. Thought maybe that would get me an early pass, but that didn't work either. So I settled - kerplunk - down for a bunny nap in my cave under the chair.
Well that didn't last long and soon I was up gophering around. Then it's been back to digging. I think I'm almost there - wherever it is I'm digging to. Just a few more days...
Supper's done. I just am so thrilled to se food, I just crunch, Crunch, CRUNCH. Then it's out and about I go.
Heh heh - want to hear something funny? I did a zippity do dah run from the bathroom door to the front door. That lady was reading. She thought I was in the front closet, so she goes in there and looks all over for me. Meanwhile I'm lying under the desk chair watching her. I tell you, Mama, my sides hurt so bad from trying not to laugh out loud!
Oh - and by the way - I happened to notice that 'you know who' had on that pair of chewable shoes. So I waited until she was on her knees cleaning out my litter tray, then ZIP! I ran in and got several good tugs and nibbles. Not much she could do because she had her hands full of 'you know what'. Ah yes, I am smarter than the average rabbit!
Not much going on tonight. I did eat about half the cover of my book. You know, the one in my cardboard box. I'm sitting here chomping away and suddenly I think, "hey, I could be eating hay". So I make a bee line for my cage. Pretty soon that lady goes into the kitchen and I just know what's coming. Yup, it's the peach. The peach, the peach, Mama! Did I mention it's the peach?
Goodnight, Mama
I love you.
I played hide and seek with my mama this weekend too. She looked all over for me, even under the couch, but she couldn't find me because I hid under some newspaper and was as quiet as a mouse, even when she called my name. Pretty good, huh?
August 31, 2007
Hi Mama,
Got my pellets right on time this morning - actually, any time I get them is right on time. They were soooo good. You sure know how to make good pellets, Mama. Then I sacked out in my cage while that lady went out for a walk.
When she let me into my playpen at 11 am, I was really frisky. I just ran and ran. Thought maybe she'd see how much running I was doing and give me the whole place, but it didn't work. So I occupied some time, yup, you guessed it, by digging!
I let that lady pet me quite a bit while I was in my playpen. Thought maybe that would get me an early pass, but that didn't work either. So I settled - kerplunk - down for a bunny nap in my cave under the chair.
Well that didn't last long and soon I was up gophering around. Then it's been back to digging. I think I'm almost there - wherever it is I'm digging to. Just a few more days...
Supper's done. I just am so thrilled to se food, I just crunch, Crunch, CRUNCH. Then it's out and about I go.
Heh heh - want to hear something funny? I did a zippity do dah run from the bathroom door to the front door. That lady was reading. She thought I was in the front closet, so she goes in there and looks all over for me. Meanwhile I'm lying under the desk chair watching her. I tell you, Mama, my sides hurt so bad from trying not to laugh out loud!
Oh - and by the way - I happened to notice that 'you know who' had on that pair of chewable shoes. So I waited until she was on her knees cleaning out my litter tray, then ZIP! I ran in and got several good tugs and nibbles. Not much she could do because she had her hands full of 'you know what'. Ah yes, I am smarter than the average rabbit!
Not much going on tonight. I did eat about half the cover of my book. You know, the one in my cardboard box. I'm sitting here chomping away and suddenly I think, "hey, I could be eating hay". So I make a bee line for my cage. Pretty soon that lady goes into the kitchen and I just know what's coming. Yup, it's the peach. The peach, the peach, Mama! Did I mention it's the peach?
Goodnight, Mama
I love you.
I played hide and seek with my mama this weekend too. She looked all over for me, even under the couch, but she couldn't find me because I hid under some newspaper and was as quiet as a mouse, even when she called my name. Pretty good, huh?
Friday, September 7, 2007
Well, time for another journal entry. I hope people like reading these...
August 30, 2007
Yo Mama,
It's me, Dylan, checking in. Got my pellets bright and early this morning. Good thing too, I was starving! I had my furry little bunny face buried in that bowl before it hit the bottom of my cage. With my tummy finally full again, I settled down for a bunny nap.
That lady went to the store again while I slept. You know, Mama, the store you go to, cause the bags say "Kro" - something. She must really eat alot. She had 3 or 4 bags. She said she was taking them home with her. But I'm going to try to stay awake tonight to see if she's eating then too.
Anyway, by 11:30 am I was having free play time in my playpen. So I gophered around for a while under the blanket. Then it was the usual - dig, nap, dig, nap. Then I fell into a deep, deep sleep. It just felt so good to sprawl out.
I was still asleep, under the chair in my playpen, when that lady put my greens in my cage and said something to me. I tell you, Mama, I was awake in a flash and all over that bowl. Then I went out to do a house check.
I spent alot of time in the closet tonight, and under the couch. I was still sleepy, so I did a big yawn and plunked down in front of the slider. SNAP! I came wide awake when that lady put the TV onto a country music channel. I liked it - I loved it - I wanted some more of it! I must be a country bunny at heart. Anyway, I hummed along for awhile, then I just had to move to that music, and did I ever! I ran so fast my paws barely touched the floor.
Well, Mama, I'm just biding my time until the peach arrives. I've nibbled hay, drank water, sprawled out in my litter tray, and now I'm in the living room staring at that lady.
Ok, I'll try a big yawn. Bingo! That worked! Heh heh. She's on her way to the fridge. She fell for it! I'm such a clever bunny.
So, Mama - slurp - we'll talk - slurp, slurp - again tomorrow.
Goodnight dear Mother
August 30, 2007
Yo Mama,
It's me, Dylan, checking in. Got my pellets bright and early this morning. Good thing too, I was starving! I had my furry little bunny face buried in that bowl before it hit the bottom of my cage. With my tummy finally full again, I settled down for a bunny nap.
That lady went to the store again while I slept. You know, Mama, the store you go to, cause the bags say "Kro" - something. She must really eat alot. She had 3 or 4 bags. She said she was taking them home with her. But I'm going to try to stay awake tonight to see if she's eating then too.
Anyway, by 11:30 am I was having free play time in my playpen. So I gophered around for a while under the blanket. Then it was the usual - dig, nap, dig, nap. Then I fell into a deep, deep sleep. It just felt so good to sprawl out.
I was still asleep, under the chair in my playpen, when that lady put my greens in my cage and said something to me. I tell you, Mama, I was awake in a flash and all over that bowl. Then I went out to do a house check.
I spent alot of time in the closet tonight, and under the couch. I was still sleepy, so I did a big yawn and plunked down in front of the slider. SNAP! I came wide awake when that lady put the TV onto a country music channel. I liked it - I loved it - I wanted some more of it! I must be a country bunny at heart. Anyway, I hummed along for awhile, then I just had to move to that music, and did I ever! I ran so fast my paws barely touched the floor.
Well, Mama, I'm just biding my time until the peach arrives. I've nibbled hay, drank water, sprawled out in my litter tray, and now I'm in the living room staring at that lady.
Ok, I'll try a big yawn. Bingo! That worked! Heh heh. She's on her way to the fridge. She fell for it! I'm such a clever bunny.
So, Mama - slurp - we'll talk - slurp, slurp - again tomorrow.
Goodnight dear Mother
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
My Mama's home!!! She was gone for a long time, but now she's home to pet me and love me. And to help me put my latest journal entries up. Here we go!
August 29, 2007
Greetings, Mama,
Just like you told me, that lady came today. She said she got her at 3:30pm. I couldn't see the clock, so I had to take her word for it. Geez, she brought enough stuff with her. Looks like she'll be here a day or two.
Anyway, she did let me into my playpen as soon as she got here. So within minutes I was cruising around under the blue blanket. It was so cool. I was pushing around that little cardboard box in my playpen, then I'd turn and scoot the other way. I could tell I was impressing you know who. She kept laughing and saying how smart I was! Ah! Praise! Bring it on!
I got the run of the place when that lady gave me my greens. I was so full of energy I decided to play, play, play before I really got to the greens.
Hey, I just remembered something about this lady - the SHOES! Damn it (I mean gosh darn it!) I know she had the chewy ones on when she came but now she doesn't. I've checked twice and gnawed a bit, but nope, they're hard ol' sneakers. Shucks!
The lady changed my litter box while I was chewing and ripping cardboard over by the fridge. When I went to check out her job, I realized - my GREENS! So I really chowed down - a little impolitely I may add - because that lady told me she could hear my chewing. The nerve!
That lady told me my Grandma was coming to visit on Saturday. Geez, I'm going to have my paws full with both of them. But you know me, Mama - I can handle whatever comes my way.
Oh, by the way, Mama. Did you know I can jump up on top of the boxes beside the fridge? I never should have tried it while that lady was sitting at the table and saw me. Otherwise we could have had quite the game of hide and seek! Anyway, when she did come over and find me, I jumped down, dusted off my paws, and sauntered away. Guess I showed her a thing or two!
I did some mighty big yawns and stretches, so that lady cut me a slice of a peach. You know what that did to me, Mama. ZOOM! I was in my cage in a flash!
Well, I am a tired bunny - with a full tummy!
Night-night, Mama.
August 29, 2007
Greetings, Mama,
Just like you told me, that lady came today. She said she got her at 3:30pm. I couldn't see the clock, so I had to take her word for it. Geez, she brought enough stuff with her. Looks like she'll be here a day or two.
Anyway, she did let me into my playpen as soon as she got here. So within minutes I was cruising around under the blue blanket. It was so cool. I was pushing around that little cardboard box in my playpen, then I'd turn and scoot the other way. I could tell I was impressing you know who. She kept laughing and saying how smart I was! Ah! Praise! Bring it on!
I got the run of the place when that lady gave me my greens. I was so full of energy I decided to play, play, play before I really got to the greens.
Hey, I just remembered something about this lady - the SHOES! Damn it (I mean gosh darn it!) I know she had the chewy ones on when she came but now she doesn't. I've checked twice and gnawed a bit, but nope, they're hard ol' sneakers. Shucks!
The lady changed my litter box while I was chewing and ripping cardboard over by the fridge. When I went to check out her job, I realized - my GREENS! So I really chowed down - a little impolitely I may add - because that lady told me she could hear my chewing. The nerve!
That lady told me my Grandma was coming to visit on Saturday. Geez, I'm going to have my paws full with both of them. But you know me, Mama - I can handle whatever comes my way.
Oh, by the way, Mama. Did you know I can jump up on top of the boxes beside the fridge? I never should have tried it while that lady was sitting at the table and saw me. Otherwise we could have had quite the game of hide and seek! Anyway, when she did come over and find me, I jumped down, dusted off my paws, and sauntered away. Guess I showed her a thing or two!
I did some mighty big yawns and stretches, so that lady cut me a slice of a peach. You know what that did to me, Mama. ZOOM! I was in my cage in a flash!
Well, I am a tired bunny - with a full tummy!
Night-night, Mama.
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