Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Happy Holidays
I got to be out of my cage on Christmas morning. Boy oh boy, was that fun. All those shiny pretty presents to look at! I went from package to package, and I even helped open some of them. Then I got to eat some of the wrapping paper.
After we got done with presents, I was so excited I ran round and round the living room! ZOOOOM!!! Then, in the afternoon, I took a nice long nap. I had a lot of excitement for a little bunny.
I hope everyone else had a good Christmas, too!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Santa Paws is coming! Santa Paws is coming!
The weather here is yucky, so we are staying home. I'm happy about that, because I really hate riding in the car. Then, when I get to Grandma's, I'm stuck in my pen the entire time because Grandma doesn't want me to eat her furniture. I was kinda worried about Santa, but Grandma assured me that he wouldn't have any problem with the weather.
In other news, Mama is finally on Christmas break, so she will be able to stay home to pet me and love me all day. And I'm now on Bunspace. It's like Myspace, but for bunnies. I have lots of new bunny buddies. There are even forums there, where us buns can discuss important things, like poop.
I hope everyone has a good Christmas, and that Santa Paws brings fun stuff. But could you all keep a good thought for my pal Scout's people? Scout was sick, and her people helped her get to Heaven a couple days ago. They are very sad. But she's not sick any more and if she could thank them for helping her to Heaven before she felt really yucky and scared, she would. Don't worry Auntie Alane and Uncle Rob - she knows how much you love her and she loves you too.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Winter's here!
Mama got our little Christmas tree out of the closet and put it on a table. Soon, she'll put pretty lights and ornaments on it. She also hung up my stocking. I checked it out, but there's nothing in it yet. I can't wait for Santa Paws to come visit and leave me stuff.
How many more bedtimes 'til Santa visits???
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Horror and Holidays
My holiday weekend got off to a downright crappy start. I had to go the the vet, my most hated place in all the world! And can you believe it, but my Grandma did it. I couldn't believe it. Of all the humans I know, I thought she'd be the least likely to drag me off to the torture chamber. I felt so betrayed. I made sure to stay away from her and not let her pet me. I sat as far away as I could while still keeping an eye on her. I also gave her the stink eye so she knew I was good and mad at her. She seemed surprised I stayed mad for so long. Well, can you blame me??? My Grandma, giver of treats and forehead rubs, is only supposed to spoil her grandbunny, not stuff him in a carrier and drive him to that horrible place. Geez, Grandma.
But my weekend did get better. I got not one, not two, but three treats on Thanksgiving! I got some banana for breakfast, another bunny treat for dinner, and a yummy carrot at bedtime. And today, I got let out at 9am. Mama said I get to bounce all day long, as long as I'm a good bunny.
It's also Mama's birthday today. I had Grandma get her a present for me, and a card which I thoughtfully signed myself. I wonder if I'll get an extra treat today, too?
Friday, October 31, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
Happy Fall
It's gotten cold outside. I like to lay down next to the slider because the glass is cold.
I had an interesting experience this weekend. My grandma chased me with a lint roller! I didn't want my head brushed, so she lint rolled it. It felt weird. Then I got my butt lint rolled. I didn't like that at all. Grandma said it was better than a brush, but I don't think so.
I did some reading this weekend (when I wasn't hopping away from the lint roller) - it was my old favorite, the Canterbury Tales. I just couldn't put it down. What else should I devour?
Ooooh, I see some fresh unshredded newspaper! Off to play...
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Another bunny blog...
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Grandmas are awesome
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Grandma has been taking really good care of me. Especially the day Mama came home from the hospital. Mama didn't feel good, and I knew it, and I was so upset. I tried to get out of my pen, but I couldn't and Mama couldn't get down to me, so I got even more upset. Grandma put me back in my cage and I tried, I really did, but I missed my litter box. I felt bad, but Grandma just cleaned it up and pet me for awhile until I felt better.
I hope Mama never has to go to a hospital again. But at least she's feeling better now, which makes me feel better.
Monday, September 15, 2008
I got in trouble last night. I was sampling the carpet and woodwork, and I tried to get into the desk, Mama sent me to bed early and I didn't get a treat. I threw my bowl around my cage to let her know how unhappy I was about that. I mean, I was just being an active and curious little bunny. And wouldn't you think she'd have more important things to worry about? I hope I get out to bounce for a long time tonight. I'll look up at her with my big brown eyes, and she'll be putty in my paws.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Uh Oh!
Monday, September 1, 2008
Here I am!
Last week wasn't so good. Mama took me to the vet. Why she insists on taking me there, I'll never know. She knows how much I hate to go and how much I hate the vet lady. Mama tried to bribe me with a fresh carrot from my garden, but she should know better than to think I can be bought for that. The vet was all, "A fresh carrot? What could be better than that!" Well, lady, I'll tell you what could be better - not getting dragged to this torture chamber, that's what! Hopefully, I can think of a way to get out of going there again.
I'm on Facebook now. I'm up to 15 friends. Not bad for a little bunny, huh? I'm not really sure what to do with the whole thing, though.
I suppose that's all for now. Sorry I haven't updated in so long!
Friday, June 27, 2008
Home improvement
But the big news is my pen got delivered! Check out my new playpen:
Look how much room I have to play now! I'm one lucky bunny.
My week got even better, because my Auntie Cheekee (Augie's mom) sent presents in the mail for me and my Mama. I got treats! I love treats! I also got a neat story about a little bunny looking for his perfect family. He found it. I'm so happy I've found mine, too.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Wardrobe Change
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Good news
Uh oh, it's the middle of the day, but it just got really dark outside. I know what that means. Off to hide under a chair...
Monday, June 9, 2008
Crash! Boom! Flash!
I guess I slept though a storm yesterday. Sometimes I sleep really deeply. Being the cutest bunny that ever bunnied can be hard work.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Thursday, May 22, 2008
I played hide-and-seek again last night. I hid in the closet, and my Mama couldn't find me anywhere even though she looked all through the apartment. She even went in the closet, but I sat real still and quiet so she wouldn't find me. But I was a good bunny and hopped out to her when she called for me.
I'm going to tell you a little secret, but you all have to promise not to tell my Mama, ok? Well, she thinks she is training me to come when she calls my name. But really, I'm training her to give me more treats and forehead rubs. Pretty smart, huh?
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Mother's Day
It's all grey and rainy here today, and it's perfect napping weather. So, that's what I'm going to do.
Friday, May 2, 2008
Away and back
My Mama did finally come back to take me home. Even though I liked having a kitty for a little while and my auntie took really good care of me, I'm glad I'm home. This place is all mine, I get to hop all around instead of just in one room, and I missed my Mama. Well, I'm pooped after running all around, so I think I'll go to bed after I get my treat. Nighty-night.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Birthday party
My Mama, my Grandma, and one of my aunts were there, and we had food. They had carrot cake, and I got part of a peach. And a yummy plate.
And the best part, PRESENTS!!! Lookit all the stuff I got!
Birthdays are just as good as Christmas!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Happy Birthday to me!
I got a new toy! It's a really colorful rattle in the shape of a phone, like what my grandma calls me on. I rubbed my chin on it, then I tossed it to hear it make noise. Cool!
Monday, April 14, 2008
I'm getting a new auntie next week because my uncle is getting married. Should I get them a card? I'm going to have new cousins, too. They are doggies named Lucy and Dixie. I don't know how I feel about this. Does this mean I'll have to share my grandma now? What if she decides she loves them and not me? I like being her grandbunny and having her all to myself. What should I do?
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Victory is mine!
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Is this supposed to be spring???
My Mama got a book about growing stuff in pots when it gets warmer out. She said she will grow some yummy stuff for me to eat. Does anybody have any good tips about how to get lots and lots of stuff from containers on a balcony?
In the meantime, got any ideas about how I can convince my Mama to take down the gate so I can get into the hallway? She caught me digging the carpet, and now I can't get over there. I know I'm not supposed to dig the carpet, but I'm a bunny, and that's what we do.
I still haven't thought of a name for my new little bunny friend. I've just been calling him Bunny.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Bouncing back in...
It's been a long long time since I blogged. Has anybody missed me? I've been a busy little bunny: bouncing around, getting into things, pulling up carpet, and shredding paper. I like the really big paper that comes on Sundays.
I've also been keeping an eye on my plants. This picture is old, and the plant is even bigger now.
My cilantro was growing nicely, but my Mama left it on the floor in a patch of sun one day, and it made a yummy snack for me. The mint plant isn't doing too good. Maybe the poo to plant ratio was off somehow...
I'm not sure what the whole Easter Bunny thing was about, but I did get a new little friend. What should I name him?
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Look what my poo can do!
See this plant? Last weekend it looked dead, but now look at it!
Here's my little mint plant. It's growing too. And I don't think you can see it, but the cilantro in that other pot is juuuust starting to come up.
Pretty cool, huh?
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Not too much has been happening here. My Mama went back to work and school after the holidays, which means less bounce time for me. I liked it when she was home with me to pet me and love me all day. Maybe someday she can be a stay-at-home bunny mom. I’d like that. I bet she would, too.
I guess that’s all the news right now. I’d like to try the start up the Friday Evening Book Club again, but my Mama’s really been watching me when I get by the book shelves. I’m a pretty clever bunny, though, so I bet I can figure out a way to get my paws on one.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!
I’m looking forward to this year. Last year turned out pretty good. At the beginning of last year, I was bored, lonely, dirty, hungry, felt yucky, and no one loved me. But now I have lots of toys, a nice clean home, food every day, and lots of people who love me. Since my Mama loves me more than anything in the whole wide world (she told me so), I think everything’s going to stay good. I hope Rudy and Camelot, the other two bunnies at the humane society with me when I got adopted, are having just as good a new year.