Long time, no update. Sorry about that. Mama has been busy with homework and hasn't had time to type for me.
My holiday weekend got off to a downright crappy start. I had to go the the vet, my most hated place in all the world! And can you believe it, but my Grandma did it. I couldn't believe it. Of all the humans I know, I thought she'd be the least likely to drag me off to the torture chamber. I felt so betrayed. I made sure to stay away from her and not let her pet me. I sat as far away as I could while still keeping an eye on her. I also gave her the stink eye so she knew I was good and mad at her. She seemed surprised I stayed mad for so long. Well, can you blame me??? My Grandma, giver of treats and forehead rubs, is only supposed to spoil her grandbunny, not stuff him in a carrier and drive him to that horrible place. Geez, Grandma.
But my weekend did get better. I got not one, not two, but three treats on Thanksgiving! I got some banana for breakfast, another bunny treat for dinner, and a yummy carrot at bedtime. And today, I got let out at 9am. Mama said I get to bounce all day long, as long as I'm a good bunny.
It's also Mama's birthday today. I had Grandma get her a present for me, and a card which I thoughtfully signed myself. I wonder if I'll get an extra treat today, too?