See this plant? Last weekend it looked dead, but now look at it!
Here's my little mint plant. It's growing too. And I don't think you can see it, but the cilantro in that other pot is juuuust starting to come up.
Pretty cool, huh?
Not too much has been happening here. My Mama went back to work and school after the holidays, which means less bounce time for me. I liked it when she was home with me to pet me and love me all day. Maybe someday she can be a stay-at-home bunny mom. I’d like that. I bet she would, too.
I guess that’s all the news right now. I’d like to try the start up the Friday Evening Book Club again, but my Mama’s really been watching me when I get by the book shelves. I’m a pretty clever bunny, though, so I bet I can figure out a way to get my paws on one.
Happy New Year!
I’m looking forward to this year. Last year turned out pretty good. At the beginning of last year, I was bored, lonely, dirty, hungry, felt yucky, and no one loved me. But now I have lots of toys, a nice clean home, food every day, and lots of people who love me. Since my Mama loves me more than anything in the whole wide world (she told me so), I think everything’s going to stay good. I hope Rudy and Camelot, the other two bunnies at the humane society with me when I got adopted, are having just as good a new year.