Thursday, May 22, 2008

Mama's car got broken again. Which means no vet visit for me this week! Ha ha!

I played hide-and-seek again last night. I hid in the closet, and my Mama couldn't find me anywhere even though she looked all through the apartment. She even went in the closet, but I sat real still and quiet so she wouldn't find me. But I was a good bunny and hopped out to her when she called for me.

I'm going to tell you a little secret, but you all have to promise not to tell my Mama, ok? Well, she thinks she is training me to come when she calls my name. But really, I'm training her to give me more treats and forehead rubs. Pretty smart, huh?

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

My Mama got her car back from wherever it was today. The carport fell on it. I had hoped that since her car was broken, that meant I didn't have to go to the vet anymore. No such luck. The car's back, and I think a trip to the torture chamber is in the plans for the near future. How can I get out of it?

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day

Today is a special day for Mamas. I didn't get my Mama anything, but I've been extra good, and she said I am the best thing ever, so I guess just being me is a pretty good present. I did have my Mama get cards and some chocolate for my Grandma and my Great-Grandma. Wasn't that nice of me? I even signed the cards by chewing off a corner or two. My Grandma came to visit and she really liked the card and candy. I hope my Great-Grandma likes it, too. My Mama bought flowers for each of them but they were way up high on the dining room table, so I couldn't get to them. Darn it. I bet they were yummy, too.

It's all grey and rainy here today, and it's perfect napping weather. So, that's what I'm going to do.


Friday, May 2, 2008

Away and back

I got to have a little adventure. While my Mama went to my uncle's wedding, I went to stay with my Aunt Kathy and Cousin Maize. Maize is a kitty. I didn't know what to make of her, since I'm not sure I've ever seen a kitty before. But a little while after I got there, we had a stare-down, and I won. A little later, when I was in my pen, I'd hop toward her and she'd go hide behind a plant stand. Chicken. But we got used to each other. We'd even play. I'd hide under the bed until she came along, then I'd hop out at her. I'd also come up behind her and sniff her tail and headbutt her. It was lots of fun. What was also fun is Kathy clearly isn't used to having a bunny around and didn't block things off very well. I was wherever I wanted in no time. And I only got sent to bed early once, for chewing on stuff and not listening when told "No."

My Mama did finally come back to take me home. Even though I liked having a kitty for a little while and my auntie took really good care of me, I'm glad I'm home. This place is all mine, I get to hop all around instead of just in one room, and I missed my Mama. Well, I'm pooped after running all around, so I think I'll go to bed after I get my treat. Nighty-night.