Mama has been trying to bond me and Katie, so she hasn't had time to help me with my blog.
Katie and I are not bonded yet. I want to play! And I want her to groom me. I told her to groom me yesterday, but she wouldn't, so I jumped on her and chased her when she ran. I'm in charge here, Katie, so you might as well accept it and move on.
Sadly, she and Mama have not bonded yet, either. She doesn't seem to like Mama much beyond being the food lady. This makes Mama sad. I don't get it. I love getting pets. Why doesn't Katie???
At least Katie's not just sitting in her cage any more. She comes out to bounce, dig, and throw stuff like a proper bunny. So at least she's more interesting for me to watch now.
Our bunny garden is coming in nicely. It looks sooooo tasty. And the parsley we've been getting is so yummy and smells so good too. Mama also thinned the carrots this weekend and gave me and Katie the little green tops to the ones she pulled. Yum, yum, yum. Nothing like fresh produce that you've fertilized yourself.
Well, I'm gonna stare at Katie some more (she's really pretty) and then take a nice long bunny nap. I really do like being a bunny.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Lots of big news
I didn't realize I hadn't posted in so long. It's been a big month. First, Mama had finals and was so busy, and then! We got a new bunny!
Mama took me to a bunny shelter Saturday before last and let me meet some bunnies. I didn't know what was going on at first, but I was SO happy to see other bunnies! I met some very pretty girls. Sadly, not all of them liked me. I can't quite figure it out. I guess they didn't like it when I said I'm in charge. But Katarina, or Katie as we call her, didn't seem to mind me being in charge at all. I made sure she knew I was in charge, and she didn't run away or anything! Then she licked my ear.
Here's a picture of Katie:

Katie came home last Wednesday. It's so weird having another bunny here! At first, I was really worried that maybe Mama wouldn't love me so much anymore. But she does. I still get lots of pets and forehead rubs, and I get fed first, so I know I'm still lord of the manor.
But you know something else? Katie is really boring. Like, really really boring. She doesn't do anything! She just sits in her cage and eats hay. I would be sooooo bored! She doesn't even throw her food bowl or want to come out of her cage to bounce. Isn't that weird? The other night I sat outside her cage and watched her pretty much the entire time I was out, just to see if she would do something. Anything. Anything at all. Nope. Weird.
Anyway, on to something more exciting. Mama planted my bunny garden this weekend! Yay! We will get fresh parsley and carrots to eat! Mama planted lots of other stuff, too, like corn, beans, peas, onions, and flowers. I think she should have planted all stuff for me. Oh well. I guess I can share.
Well, I'll keep everyone updated about my yummy garden and my boring sister.
I didn't realize I hadn't posted in so long. It's been a big month. First, Mama had finals and was so busy, and then! We got a new bunny!
Mama took me to a bunny shelter Saturday before last and let me meet some bunnies. I didn't know what was going on at first, but I was SO happy to see other bunnies! I met some very pretty girls. Sadly, not all of them liked me. I can't quite figure it out. I guess they didn't like it when I said I'm in charge. But Katarina, or Katie as we call her, didn't seem to mind me being in charge at all. I made sure she knew I was in charge, and she didn't run away or anything! Then she licked my ear.
Here's a picture of Katie:
Katie came home last Wednesday. It's so weird having another bunny here! At first, I was really worried that maybe Mama wouldn't love me so much anymore. But she does. I still get lots of pets and forehead rubs, and I get fed first, so I know I'm still lord of the manor.
But you know something else? Katie is really boring. Like, really really boring. She doesn't do anything! She just sits in her cage and eats hay. I would be sooooo bored! She doesn't even throw her food bowl or want to come out of her cage to bounce. Isn't that weird? The other night I sat outside her cage and watched her pretty much the entire time I was out, just to see if she would do something. Anything. Anything at all. Nope. Weird.
Anyway, on to something more exciting. Mama planted my bunny garden this weekend! Yay! We will get fresh parsley and carrots to eat! Mama planted lots of other stuff, too, like corn, beans, peas, onions, and flowers. I think she should have planted all stuff for me. Oh well. I guess I can share.
Well, I'll keep everyone updated about my yummy garden and my boring sister.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
The great outdoors
I am blogging from the great outdoors. It's such a nice sunny spring day that Mama decided to spend it on the balcony, and she brought me out with her. I'm still not entirely sure about this place, but I'm in my cage, so I know I'm safe from anything that wants to get me. My cage is mostly out of the sun (but I can sit in the sun and eat hay if I want - that's kind of nice) and Mama put a bottle of frozen water in here for me in case I get hot and want to sit by something cool.
There's a nice breeze blowing, and it feels funny on my ears and fur. And my butt. But I kinda like it, and I even lay down for awhile with my butt facing the wind. A little airing out back there never hurt anybody.
Yesterday was my birthday. We think I'm 3, but who knows for sure. Mama adopted me on April 17, 2007, and they thought I was 1 then, so we just made that date my birthday. Anyway, I had a really good day. Mama was home, and even though she was working on a school project, I got lots of bounce time. I also got bits of carrot in both my breakfast and supper. YUM! But the best part? PRESENTS!!! I got treats and toys and gift bags and tissue paper! It was awesome!
Well, I am going to enjoy some more of this nice spring breeze. Have a good weekend, everybody!
I am blogging from the great outdoors. It's such a nice sunny spring day that Mama decided to spend it on the balcony, and she brought me out with her. I'm still not entirely sure about this place, but I'm in my cage, so I know I'm safe from anything that wants to get me. My cage is mostly out of the sun (but I can sit in the sun and eat hay if I want - that's kind of nice) and Mama put a bottle of frozen water in here for me in case I get hot and want to sit by something cool.
There's a nice breeze blowing, and it feels funny on my ears and fur. And my butt. But I kinda like it, and I even lay down for awhile with my butt facing the wind. A little airing out back there never hurt anybody.
Yesterday was my birthday. We think I'm 3, but who knows for sure. Mama adopted me on April 17, 2007, and they thought I was 1 then, so we just made that date my birthday. Anyway, I had a really good day. Mama was home, and even though she was working on a school project, I got lots of bounce time. I also got bits of carrot in both my breakfast and supper. YUM! But the best part? PRESENTS!!! I got treats and toys and gift bags and tissue paper! It was awesome!
Well, I am going to enjoy some more of this nice spring breeze. Have a good weekend, everybody!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Public Service Announcement
Ok, readers. Serious topic time.
Now, I know I am adorable, and many of you are thinking, "Oh, how I want a bunny of my own!" And that's great, but since we are getting near Easter, I have a request.
Please, please do not give live bunnies as Easter presents! We are not good pets for little kids and are an 8-10 year long daily commitment, not a fluffy toy. Lots of people get their kids a bunny or two for Easter, but then the kids get bored and the parents get sick of taking care of it. Lots of bad stuff can happen next. Maybe they will neglect the bunny. Or maybe they'll just dump him. Open up the back door, or drop him by the side of the road. Pet bunnies don't know how to fend for themselves, and will get hurt or killed by animals or people. If the bunny is "lucky", he'll get dumped at a shelter. Unfortunately, this probably means the bunny will be euthanized.
So please, only give stuffed or chocolate bunnies at Easter time.
But, if you do want a bunny, and I totally get why because we are so cute and make wonderful companions, wait until after Easter. After a few weeks, people will start dumping those unwanted Easter bunnies, and there will be lots in shelters waiting for a second chance. Just like me.
I found this poem on, and thought I'd repost it here:
Twas the Night Before Easter
'Twas the night before Easter, and all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.
The baskets were ready for eggs they would find
Hidden by the Easter Bunny so cute and so kind.
The children were nestled all snug in their beds
With no thought of their bunny who hadn’t been fed.
With Ma in her 'kerchief, and I in my cap
We knew he was hungry but we needed a nap.
When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter
I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear
But the Easter Bunny - with eyes full of tears.
He un-caged the rabbit, once lively and quick,
Last year's Easter Gift, now lonely and sick.
More rapid than eagles he called the bunn’s name
And with a few binkies, the bunny happily came.
"You poor little soul, so sad and alone,
With no one to love you in this so-called home.
How quickly they forgot about your joys and your needs.
Come with me, Little One, come with me please.
Run with me, Bunny, stretch your legs tall!
Let's find you a home where you’ll be loved by all."
The Easter Bunny left no chocolates that year
But he certainly made one thing quite clear.
The gift of a rabbit is not just for the season,
We had gotten the bunny for all the wrong reasons.
“A bunny would make a great gift!” was our thought
But there was one important thing we forgot.
A bunny should be family, and loved just as much,
Not locked in a cage and denied human touch.
They need more than a name, a pat and a meal,
They need companionship and love that is real.
And I heard him exclaim as he dashed out of sight
"You weren't given a gift! You were given a LIFE!"
Now, I know I am adorable, and many of you are thinking, "Oh, how I want a bunny of my own!" And that's great, but since we are getting near Easter, I have a request.
Please, please do not give live bunnies as Easter presents! We are not good pets for little kids and are an 8-10 year long daily commitment, not a fluffy toy. Lots of people get their kids a bunny or two for Easter, but then the kids get bored and the parents get sick of taking care of it. Lots of bad stuff can happen next. Maybe they will neglect the bunny. Or maybe they'll just dump him. Open up the back door, or drop him by the side of the road. Pet bunnies don't know how to fend for themselves, and will get hurt or killed by animals or people. If the bunny is "lucky", he'll get dumped at a shelter. Unfortunately, this probably means the bunny will be euthanized.
So please, only give stuffed or chocolate bunnies at Easter time.
But, if you do want a bunny, and I totally get why because we are so cute and make wonderful companions, wait until after Easter. After a few weeks, people will start dumping those unwanted Easter bunnies, and there will be lots in shelters waiting for a second chance. Just like me.
I found this poem on, and thought I'd repost it here:
Twas the Night Before Easter
'Twas the night before Easter, and all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.
The baskets were ready for eggs they would find
Hidden by the Easter Bunny so cute and so kind.
The children were nestled all snug in their beds
With no thought of their bunny who hadn’t been fed.
With Ma in her 'kerchief, and I in my cap
We knew he was hungry but we needed a nap.
When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter
I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear
But the Easter Bunny - with eyes full of tears.
He un-caged the rabbit, once lively and quick,
Last year's Easter Gift, now lonely and sick.
More rapid than eagles he called the bunn’s name
And with a few binkies, the bunny happily came.
"You poor little soul, so sad and alone,
With no one to love you in this so-called home.
How quickly they forgot about your joys and your needs.
Come with me, Little One, come with me please.
Run with me, Bunny, stretch your legs tall!
Let's find you a home where you’ll be loved by all."
The Easter Bunny left no chocolates that year
But he certainly made one thing quite clear.
The gift of a rabbit is not just for the season,
We had gotten the bunny for all the wrong reasons.
“A bunny would make a great gift!” was our thought
But there was one important thing we forgot.
A bunny should be family, and loved just as much,
Not locked in a cage and denied human touch.
They need more than a name, a pat and a meal,
They need companionship and love that is real.
And I heard him exclaim as he dashed out of sight
"You weren't given a gift! You were given a LIFE!"
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
I love weekends!
I had the BEST weekend, everybody! Mama was home and I got to be out in my pen all day long both days. And in the evening I got to bounce for a long time and get lots of pets and forehead rubs. It was pretty cool. Mama said she was tired of looking at screens, so the tv was off, the computer was off, and it was just me and Mama. I liked that alot.
Saturday, I got into the front closet to play. I used be able to play in there all the time til Mama saw that I was chewing on her shoes and had chewed holes in her golf bag. But I snuck in on Saturday and played with the doorstop for awhile.
Then, at bedtime, I got fresh mint in my salad. Yum yum! I love mint. Then I got a bedtime story! I love stories, especially ones about bunnies. She started reading me Watership Down, which is about some very brave bunny heroes. It's exciting! Instead of settling down to go to sleep, I sat up in my litter box and watched Mama intently as she read while I gobbled up hay like popcorn.
On Sunday, I got a nice long brushing. And this is how good I've trained my Mama - she rubbed my forehead with one hand as she brushed with the other, and every couple of strokes would touch the brush to a metal lamp base so my fur wouldn't get so staticy. How's that for good human training? I should write a book on it.
After my brushing, Mama and I played tag. I'd give her a nosebonk then hop just out of her reach. I'd let her tag me so I'd get pets, then I'd give her another nosebonk, hop away, and we'd go again. Sometimes I'd even nosebonk her from behind, and by the time she turned around, I'd be out of reach. Ha ha! It was lots of fun.
At bedtime, I got some more yummy mint, and Mama read to me again from Watership Down. The bunnies have just left their warren in search of a safe new home, and I can't wait to find out what happens next!
Saturday, I got into the front closet to play. I used be able to play in there all the time til Mama saw that I was chewing on her shoes and had chewed holes in her golf bag. But I snuck in on Saturday and played with the doorstop for awhile.
Then, at bedtime, I got fresh mint in my salad. Yum yum! I love mint. Then I got a bedtime story! I love stories, especially ones about bunnies. She started reading me Watership Down, which is about some very brave bunny heroes. It's exciting! Instead of settling down to go to sleep, I sat up in my litter box and watched Mama intently as she read while I gobbled up hay like popcorn.
On Sunday, I got a nice long brushing. And this is how good I've trained my Mama - she rubbed my forehead with one hand as she brushed with the other, and every couple of strokes would touch the brush to a metal lamp base so my fur wouldn't get so staticy. How's that for good human training? I should write a book on it.
After my brushing, Mama and I played tag. I'd give her a nosebonk then hop just out of her reach. I'd let her tag me so I'd get pets, then I'd give her another nosebonk, hop away, and we'd go again. Sometimes I'd even nosebonk her from behind, and by the time she turned around, I'd be out of reach. Ha ha! It was lots of fun.
At bedtime, I got some more yummy mint, and Mama read to me again from Watership Down. The bunnies have just left their warren in search of a safe new home, and I can't wait to find out what happens next!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Hi. It's officially springtime! It makes me feel bouncy.
I've had lots and lots of bunny energy lately. I've hopping all over the place, on the furniture, knocking stuff over. It's lots of fun.
Unfortunately, some of my fun has gotten me into trouble. So I like to chew door frames. And baseboards. And carpet. And cords. And books. What's the big deal? I'm a bunny - I chew. It's what we do. But Mama does think it's a big deal. *sigh* And I got sent to bed early without a treat the other night. I don't like that at all. I'm just following my bunny nature. I threw my toys around my cage to let Mama know I was unhappy about my treat deprivation.
I think I need to get more stealthy about my chewing. Does anybody have any suggestions about how I can do this???
I've had lots and lots of bunny energy lately. I've hopping all over the place, on the furniture, knocking stuff over. It's lots of fun.
Unfortunately, some of my fun has gotten me into trouble. So I like to chew door frames. And baseboards. And carpet. And cords. And books. What's the big deal? I'm a bunny - I chew. It's what we do. But Mama does think it's a big deal. *sigh* And I got sent to bed early without a treat the other night. I don't like that at all. I'm just following my bunny nature. I threw my toys around my cage to let Mama know I was unhappy about my treat deprivation.
I think I need to get more stealthy about my chewing. Does anybody have any suggestions about how I can do this???
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Happy bunny
Hi. It's all nice and sunshiny out. I like that. Does this mean spring is coming???
So, I've been a pretty happy little furball. Mama is all better now, and is spending lots of time with me. I'm getting lots of brushing, pets, and forehead rubs. I get snuggle time every night before bedtime. I like to nuzzle Mama's face with mine, and then she'll give me a kiss on the forehead.
And I got to see my Grandma yesterday! Yay! She is going to visit my uncle and auntie and she stayed with us last night. So I got even more pets and forehead rubs. And one of my favorite treats! Grandmas are awesome.
I've been playing in my playhouse lots, and I'm even making another door for myself. I love my playhouse. I have a stuffed bunny friend in there, a blankie, and the other day, I found a treat in there! Yay!
Well, I am going to toss around my toy ball, then finish my breakfast. Then I'll take a bunny nap!
So, I've been a pretty happy little furball. Mama is all better now, and is spending lots of time with me. I'm getting lots of brushing, pets, and forehead rubs. I get snuggle time every night before bedtime. I like to nuzzle Mama's face with mine, and then she'll give me a kiss on the forehead.
And I got to see my Grandma yesterday! Yay! She is going to visit my uncle and auntie and she stayed with us last night. So I got even more pets and forehead rubs. And one of my favorite treats! Grandmas are awesome.
I've been playing in my playhouse lots, and I'm even making another door for myself. I love my playhouse. I have a stuffed bunny friend in there, a blankie, and the other day, I found a treat in there! Yay!
Well, I am going to toss around my toy ball, then finish my breakfast. Then I'll take a bunny nap!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Rainy day
Hi. It's cold and rainy here today. Yucky. But, good weather for napping.
My doggy pal Rocky went to Heaven today. I'm sure his people are very sad, but poor Rocky couldn't really walk anymore. I'd be very sad if I couldn't hop anymore. But now that Rocky is in Heaven, he can run and jump and play again like he could when he was a puppy.
Mama is finally getting all better. It's taken a really long time, but now that she's not sick, she's spending more time with me. Yay! I love getting pets and forehead rubs.
But I'm still a little annoyed. When Mama was home, she'd let me be in my playpen most of the day. Now that she's back to work, I'm stuck in my cage. This does not make bunny happy. I was a very good boy in my pen. Why can't I stay in there all the time? I'd really love to be out all the time, but Bunnyzilla comes out to play sometimes and then lots of stuff that Mama doesn't want chewed gets destroyed. I can't help it. It's the wild animal in me. For now, I'm going to keep trying to figure out how to open my cage from the inside. Wish me luck!
My doggy pal Rocky went to Heaven today. I'm sure his people are very sad, but poor Rocky couldn't really walk anymore. I'd be very sad if I couldn't hop anymore. But now that Rocky is in Heaven, he can run and jump and play again like he could when he was a puppy.
Mama is finally getting all better. It's taken a really long time, but now that she's not sick, she's spending more time with me. Yay! I love getting pets and forehead rubs.
But I'm still a little annoyed. When Mama was home, she'd let me be in my playpen most of the day. Now that she's back to work, I'm stuck in my cage. This does not make bunny happy. I was a very good boy in my pen. Why can't I stay in there all the time? I'd really love to be out all the time, but Bunnyzilla comes out to play sometimes and then lots of stuff that Mama doesn't want chewed gets destroyed. I can't help it. It's the wild animal in me. For now, I'm going to keep trying to figure out how to open my cage from the inside. Wish me luck!
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Busy bunny
Hello. I've been a busy, busy boy. I've had big plans to carry out. During the day, I nap, eat, play, and poo. In the evening, I bounce, eat, play, and poo. It's a full schedule.
Mama has been sick for days and days. It's kind of weird, because she looks like Mama, but she doesn't sound like Mama at all. She's been going cough, cough, cough all day long. Sometimes it even wakes me up from one of my naps. I've been keeping an eye on her for Grandma, which keeps me busy between all my other activities. But on the bright side, with Mama at home, I get more time to bounce. I love my bounce time, even if it is just in my playpen. I've got lots of stuff to play with there.
Well, it's time for another bunny nap. Gotta stay on schedule, you know.
Mama has been sick for days and days. It's kind of weird, because she looks like Mama, but she doesn't sound like Mama at all. She's been going cough, cough, cough all day long. Sometimes it even wakes me up from one of my naps. I've been keeping an eye on her for Grandma, which keeps me busy between all my other activities. But on the bright side, with Mama at home, I get more time to bounce. I love my bounce time, even if it is just in my playpen. I've got lots of stuff to play with there.
Well, it's time for another bunny nap. Gotta stay on schedule, you know.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Happy days are here again
I heard that song on a radio station that Mama likes that plays old stuff. Anyway, I've recovered from my trip to the torture chamber and I have forgiven Mama for taking me there. She got back on my good side through a combination of treats, brushing, and forehead rubs. In fact, she even pet me to sleep the other night. She gave me a nice back massage, too. *happy bunny sigh*
Getting less cereal has been ok. I just eat more hay. And you know what more hay leads to - more poo!
Well, it's time for a nice looong bunny nap. Then when I wake up I'll have a snack and play with my toys. Don't you all wish you could be bunnies?
Getting less cereal has been ok. I just eat more hay. And you know what more hay leads to - more poo!
Well, it's time for a nice looong bunny nap. Then when I wake up I'll have a snack and play with my toys. Don't you all wish you could be bunnies?
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Dylan's Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
I know today is just half done, but it's been awful! Mama took me to the vet! I hate getting stuffed into my carrier for a trip to the torture chamber. I had to get wrapped up like a burrito for my nail trim and then get my mouth pried open so the vet lady could check my teeth. One of these days I might bite her. Vet lady said today was "spa day" because I got my nails done. Yeah, right. When was the last time you got sent to a torture chamber, lady? And that's not all. Vet lady had the gall to say that my weight is "creeping up". How very rude! *THUMP* I really should have bit her, because now I'm going to get less bunny cereal in the mornings, and I LOVE my cereal.
As if this morning wasn't rotten enough, Mama has class this evening. I'm very mad at her right now, but when she doesn't get home til late, then I don't get my supper til late, and I get less bounce time. I am NOT a happy bunny!
As if this morning wasn't rotten enough, Mama has class this evening. I'm very mad at her right now, but when she doesn't get home til late, then I don't get my supper til late, and I get less bounce time. I am NOT a happy bunny!
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Mama has been so busy that I've hardly gotten any bounce time. And last night, I didn't get any at all! Mama wasn't home until late, so I got supper late and I didn't get to play. This makes bunny sad.
The other night I wanted to play some more and not go to bed. Mama said "Bedtime", but instead of going to my cage for a treat, I hopped away and went into my playhouse. Mama couldn't follow me in there! I played for awhile, then plopped down and looked out at Mama through one of the windows. There wasn't a whole lot she was going to do about that. Ha! But she does know me well - after awhile, I heard her shake my treat container, and I hopped over. I just can't resist a yummy crunchy treat.
Mama promised me she'd be home earlier tonight so I could bounce and play. I can't wait. I hope I get extra treats tonight to make up for my lack of bounce time. (That's not a hint, Mama.)
Mama has been so busy that I've hardly gotten any bounce time. And last night, I didn't get any at all! Mama wasn't home until late, so I got supper late and I didn't get to play. This makes bunny sad.
The other night I wanted to play some more and not go to bed. Mama said "Bedtime", but instead of going to my cage for a treat, I hopped away and went into my playhouse. Mama couldn't follow me in there! I played for awhile, then plopped down and looked out at Mama through one of the windows. There wasn't a whole lot she was going to do about that. Ha! But she does know me well - after awhile, I heard her shake my treat container, and I hopped over. I just can't resist a yummy crunchy treat.
Mama promised me she'd be home earlier tonight so I could bounce and play. I can't wait. I hope I get extra treats tonight to make up for my lack of bounce time. (That's not a hint, Mama.)
Thursday, January 29, 2009
I hate homework, and I'm not even in school!
You know how I said it kind of sucks that Mama was back in school for the semester? It really sucks. She has all this stuff called homework that keeps her so busy that she doesn't pay as much attention to me! But I have found a solution. If I'm naughty, that gets her attention. So if I want her to come over to me and pet me, I just start chewing on carpet and doorframes. It works like a charm, as long as I don't chew too much. Like last night, she was trying to write some stuff, and I wanted attention, so I started to chew on the slider. And sure enough, Mama came over to me. I wound up getting brushed AND a nice long forehead rub. Ha ha!
Score: Dylan - 1(000000) Mama - 0
Aren't I a clever bunny?
Score: Dylan - 1(000000) Mama - 0
Aren't I a clever bunny?
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Sunday, January 18, 2009
New year, new house
Happy New Year!
Mama has gone back to work and school, which sucks because that means less time and attention for me. But before that, Mama made me a cool new playhouse! It's got two stories to play on, 2 doors, and three windows. I can even come and go from the second floor if I want. Check it out:

Here's me playing on the second floor:

Neat, huh? I play in it pretty much every day. I'm even doing some home improvements, like chewing on the windows to make them bigger. And eating the back door.
Mama has gone back to work and school, which sucks because that means less time and attention for me. But before that, Mama made me a cool new playhouse! It's got two stories to play on, 2 doors, and three windows. I can even come and go from the second floor if I want. Check it out:
Here's me playing on the second floor:
Neat, huh? I play in it pretty much every day. I'm even doing some home improvements, like chewing on the windows to make them bigger. And eating the back door.
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