Saturday, August 25, 2007

All is going to be quiet here for awhile, since my mama is leaving me for a few days. I'll have a bunnysitter though, so you don't need to worry about me. Maybe my auntie will forget a few things, so I can get into the rooms I'm not allowed in or can get my paws on a remote control. I just love those buttons. YUM!

Friday, August 17, 2007

Friday evening book club

For a change, I thought I'd feature a book I haven't eaten. I got this read to me instead.

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Sadly, none of the bunnies in the story are named Dylan. Oh well. We can't all be perfect.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Friday evening book club

I'm a bit disappointed the polls weren't working this week. Since no one was able to vote on "What type of book should I devour next", I picked an answer myself. I think the answers were A) fiction, B) nonfiction, C) reference, or D) all of the above. And my answer is...

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Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Vacation journal, part 3

July 4, 2007

Hiya Mama,
Dylan here. Got my pellets bright and early this morning. Then the lady let me out into my playpen. I was so happy – I ran and hopped high in the air right there inside the playpen. I also tried gnawing on the fence to open it up, but that didn’t work.
So – you won’t guess what I’ve spent the morning doing. I’ve been digging, Mama. I take a breather now and then, but not for long.
I spent hours digging, napping, digging, napping.
The lady gave me my greens at 6:00pm and I ate them up without stopping. Then I started nibbling on hay when – shazam! I saw my gate was opened.
So I hopped out and of course the first place I go is to check the bathroom door – rats! It’s shut tight. So then – bingo! – I remember the spot between the fridge and the wall. But wait – oh no – someone has totally blocked the spot. The lid to my hay container is there with a chair pushed up against it. Well, I tell you Mama, I sat and glared at it for a long time, but couldn’t make that blockade disappear. So then I tried to eat a chair leg to get it out of the way, but dammit (sorry, Mama – I mean dang it) that didn’t work either.
Next I hopped on the beanbag. I thought I was quiet, but just as I was thinking of jumping onto your desk, the lady turned around, so I jumped down, before she could even say anything.
So back to the kitchen. I need to sit and think up a plan. Geez, she even piled stuff on the chair so I can’t hop on it, either.
Now, I’m frustrated so it’s back to check the bathroom door = then neato! I can make it to your desk if I go between the slider and the blinds.
Time for a power nap, then groom, groom, groom. Hey, she’s cleaning my cage – fresh hay, fresh water – so I’ll add some fresh you know what!
I got in lots of running and high kicks and leaps. I really gave the lady a great air show!
Now, I’m quietly eating hay and awaiting a sweet, juicy berry.
I’ll see you tomorrow. Gosh, that sounds good! You’re the best Mama, Mama!

Goodnight sweet Mama –

July 5, 2007

Top ‘o the Mornin, Mama –

My mama’s comin’ home today
Home today, home today
My mama’s coming home today
And that makes Dylan hap-py!

Do you like my little tune? I hummed it while I ate breakfast.
Did you have trouble pushing Grandma into her car carrier? Does she sleep in her litter box like I sometimes do? That’d be cool if she did.
The lady left my newspapers scattered around right where I put them, so you could see what a busy bunny I’ve been.
As usual this morning, I’m digging a lot and napping a little. I’m trying to dig to the center of the earth. I think I ate that in a book one day.
I’m listening for the phone to ring today, because the lady said that would be a call from my Mama.
You know, if I could make a sign for you it would say:
Ok, that lady said the phone call I just heard was from you. That means you’re getting closer. So, I’m going to sleep the afternoon away – then the time will go quicker.
I can’t wait to play with you all day tomorrow, Mama. We’ll have a lot of fun just chilling out here – no where to go, nothing to do.
So, I’m going to sign off now, Mama. See ya later, alligator (heh heh – I made that up).
Loads of love, Mama
Your Bunny Boy, Dylan

So, what did you think of my journal? Stayed tuned here, because in a couple of weeks, my mama is going someplace called “Chicago” and that lady is going to come stay with me again and be my scribe.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Vacation journal - Part 2

Here's part two of my vacation journal. I'll get the last part up soon, unless I take on another renovation project...

July 2, 2007

Hey Mama,
Well, another day, another dollar so they say. I don't know what it means, but I bet you do cause you're super smart!
I got my breakfast pellets at 7:15am this morning. I ate a couple of bites than flung my bowl - man! you should have seen that thing go! Funny thing was, most of my pellets ended up on one of the little blankets in the bottom of my cage. So, I felt like I was dining on a tablecloth at breakfast.
The lady left about 9:30am and came back around 11:00am. So, she let me out into my playpen where I - yes, you guessed it - have been digging for oil ever since.
By the way, Mama, before I went to bed last night, I noticed a rather handsome fellow at the slider looking in at me. Although he did seem to have his good points, I know he would never appeal to you the way I do.

Hi, Mama - I just woke up form a power nap. I dug and scratched for a couple of hours, then fell asleep about 3pm. I didn't even hear the lady get her supper - I was out! She gave me my bowl of greens - I ate half of them - then tipped over teh bowl. Thought maybe it would get her mad - but tarnation! it didn't even rile her up. Anyway, I knew tonight that while I was eating my greens my gate would be open - and - hot damn! (sorry, Mama, I meant darn) it was and I was through it like a flash. I always run to the bathroom door first - and go figure! - it's always shut. I did just lightly nibble on a book on your bookshelf - but you guessed it - busted! And it was red - my favorite color. After my cage got cleaned up, (and I don't understand why you women have the urge to tidy up) I went in to enjoy some fresh, lipsmackingly good hay. I had fun tonight pushing the wastebasket away from the wall so I could sit behind it.
So, now I've had my berry and I'm eating hay again. It's a half hour early, but I think I was just being a curious, rascally rabbit. I didn't know I wasn't supposed to chew on the wood on the wall behind my cage or dig at the carpet there. I found out if I leaped into my toybox first then I could shimmy along the wall and come out by the front closet door - cool huh? And did you know if I gave a good jump between the fridge and the wall I could land way back in there, on top of the rug, broom and bags?! Oh well, tomorrow's another day - heh, heh,heh.
Goodnight, Mama -

How's your trip, Mama? I can't wait to hear about it. Have you let Grandma out of her carrier yet? Does she use a litter box as good as I do? I'm still your little angel bunny.

July 3, 2007

Hello Mummy,
I heard that on TV - pretty neat, huh?
So, what are you and Grandma up to today? Did you take a car load of hay with you, or are you buying some along the way?
Had my pellets this morning. I ate part of them until I turned my food bowl into a frisbee. Man, can that thing fly! I really gave it a workout. Good thing it's unbreakable - 'cause it took some good hits!
That lady let me out into my playpen around 10 this morning. I spent over an hour digging - but I kept coming to the edge of the playpen by my cage to show her how cute I am - thought maybe I'd get the run of the place early, but it didn't work. She'd just talk to me and tell me what a cute bunny I was - like geez, Mama, I KNOW that!
Boy, you sure picked out a good bag of hay - it's like I can't get enough of that stuff! Besides, I know you love my round bunny belly, so I kept eating.
Ah - there's no place like a used litter box to stretch out in and take a catnap (er - I mean bunny nap.)
I ate almost half my greens at supper before I decided to go out and play. I decided I would do some of your work for you, so I am shredding the papers under the couch - easier to recycle.
The lady was standing at the kitchen sink doing dishes when I ran over her feet - screech - stop - she had on those slip on shoes with the chewy ties on them. I was persistent, Mama, I was not a quitter. She finally went and changed her shoes - Shucks!
Hey, wait, I just realized something - why am I shredding and nibbling paper when I still have greens in my bowl? Time out from recycling...
No, Mama, just so you know - that toy animal on the couch - I say hi to him every day when I have free play - but he doesn't talk much. And he just sits there - man - I would be so bored. I rub my chin on his feet everyday - just staking out my territory.
You know, Mama, even though I haven't said this everyday, I do miss you. I'll be so happy when you're reading this, because then you'll be home. The lady is ok, but nobody can take care of you as good as your own Mama, Mama.
I like to sit in the box that was on top of my cage when I was in my playpen.
While the lady put clean blankets in my cage, I ran and ran.
I'd really like to see what's behind those shelves you have propped up against your desk, but when I pushed one over against the chair, I still couldn't get in there - drat it!
My cage is all tidied up. I went in the front closet and laid on your shoes while she finished it up. Now I'm sprawled out on the floor in front of the book shelves by the TV. I'm watching to see when a big load of hay goes into my cage. Then I'll be in there quick as a bunny - ha, ha! get it? A bunny being quick as a bunny? Well, maybe you had to be there.
Ok, ok, the phone call to you is over and that lady is a real snitch! Mama - I was just testing her to see if she could talk on the phone and watch me at the same time. So, I guess she showed me she could do two things at once. But it was so much fun while it lasted!
I'll see you in a couple of days. I'm still your little honey bunny.
Night, Mama-