I'm a bit disappointed the polls weren't working this week. Since no one was able to vote on "What type of book should I devour next", I picked an answer myself. I think the answers were A) fiction, B) nonfiction, C) reference, or D) all of the above. And my answer is...
I see all was NOT quiet on the bunny front!
My Momma has a lovely red 3 volume set of the Feynman lectures that she says the lop that lived here long ago found to be scrumptious. I also recommend the very red "Dangerous Book for Boys" as gold lettering shows up in your litter box beautifully.
Would you be interested in joining my Tuesday night chew-through-the-"reds"-pile-of-the-dirty-laundry group?
Oooh, I've never chewed on laundry. Does it taste good? I might have a problem getting to the laundry though. I'm not allowed in the bedroom anymore after I pulled the bottom off the box spring on the bed and climbed inside. There might be some laundry in the bathroom, but I'm not allowed in there either since I started trying to pull the pipes behind the toilet off the wall.
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