Sorry I haven’t updated. My Mama had something called “Finals” and has been very busy and using her computer all the time.
Christmas is getting closer. Here’s a picture of our tree:

And here’s my favorite thing on the tree:

I’d bet I’d look cute napping in a Santa hat.
Lots of fluffy white stuff fell from the sky last weekend. It’s called snow. My Mama brought some inside, and I ate it. It didn’t really taste like anything, but it was different, so I ate a bunch of it. I even dug in it a little.
Mama was wrapping presents earlier. I wonder if any of them are for me. And speaking of presents, should I get my Mama a present?
Dear Dylan,
My mom says the best present I can give her is to be an extra good kitty. Maybe you could give your Mama that and be a very, very, very good bunny.
My mom says she is going to be home all the time for the next couple of weeks. She says it is called a "vacation" and that we will play with my new toys that I got. She won't let me have all of the smelly stuff, though, she says I am "hyper" enough.
I hope you have a nice Christmas and that you have a good time at your Grammy's.
Well, I hear tell that you've been a pretty good bunny this year, Dylan. I'll bet Santa will bring you all sorts of surprises! Usually we people-types leave cookies and milk out for him, but he might especially appreciate it if you left a piece of fruit out.
I hope you have a wonderful first Christmas!
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