Happy New Year!
I’m looking forward to this year. Last year turned out pretty good. At the beginning of last year, I was bored, lonely, dirty, hungry, felt yucky, and no one loved me. But now I have lots of toys, a nice clean home, food every day, and lots of people who love me. Since my Mama loves me more than anything in the whole wide world (she told me so), I think everything’s going to stay good. I hope Rudy and Camelot, the other two bunnies at the humane society with me when I got adopted, are having just as good a new year.
Isn't it nice having a home? I was scared of my Mom when I came home and wouldn't let her pet me. But in my home I get to run all over the place and the only places I'm not allowed are on the stove, the kitchen counter,and my Mom's desk. I have toys and my Mom always gives me breakfast and supper, and she pats me and tells me I am pretty, even if I am "odd".
I wasn't scared of my Mama when I came home. She was nice and quiet and talked to and pet me. And of course, she provided food. I love food.
I'm not allowed in Mama's bedroom, the bathroom, and now I'm not allowed in the front hall closet because I chewed holes in Mama's golf bag and got into some other stuff.
What's "odd"? Mama tells me I'm a funny bunny, but I think that's a good thing, because I make her laugh. I've been called "goofball", too.
"Odd" means that you are weird. My mom says that about me when she finds me playing in the bathtub (but she doesn't let me do that anymore) or when I try to chase the wrapping paper. Last night I let my mom pick me up and hold me, but just for a minute. I don't usually do that.
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