It's been a long long time since I blogged. Has anybody missed me? I've been a busy little bunny: bouncing around, getting into things, pulling up carpet, and shredding paper. I like the really big paper that comes on Sundays.
I've also been keeping an eye on my plants. This picture is old, and the plant is even bigger now.
My cilantro was growing nicely, but my Mama left it on the floor in a patch of sun one day, and it made a yummy snack for me. The mint plant isn't doing too good. Maybe the poo to plant ratio was off somehow...
I'm not sure what the whole Easter Bunny thing was about, but I did get a new little friend. What should I name him?
Dear Dylan,
I am glad you are back. My mom says she has missed reading your blog. I hope you have been a good bunny; my Mom went away on a trip and when she came back I told her I was mad at her. If she thinks a bunch of patting and treats can make up for leaving me, she better think again.
Molly -
My Mama says I've been being naughty. But I don't like it when she's doing homework because I want her to spend lots of time with me. I think my Mama is leaving me this weekend. I hate that. I get lonely. And I get stuck in my cage and I don't get my breakfast on time.
I was naughty last night because I was still mad and pouting. I wouldn't even sleep next to my Mom; I hid all night.
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