Thursday, May 22, 2008

Mama's car got broken again. Which means no vet visit for me this week! Ha ha!

I played hide-and-seek again last night. I hid in the closet, and my Mama couldn't find me anywhere even though she looked all through the apartment. She even went in the closet, but I sat real still and quiet so she wouldn't find me. But I was a good bunny and hopped out to her when she called for me.

I'm going to tell you a little secret, but you all have to promise not to tell my Mama, ok? Well, she thinks she is training me to come when she calls my name. But really, I'm training her to give me more treats and forehead rubs. Pretty smart, huh?


molly said...

Your mom doesn't need her car to take you to the vet, Dylan. My mom and I take something called a "cab".

I've figured out how to make my mom play with me. I stand there and meow until she says I am being a "nuisance" and then we play with my mouse.

Dylan said...

Uh oh. There's no escape for me, is there? *sigh*

If I want my Mama's attention, I'll nudge her with my head or pull on her clothes. Then she pets me and tells me I'm her darling baby bunny boy.

molly said...

Last night, my Mom gave me a spanking because I was naughty. But later she put my favorite green blanket out so I could sleep on the bed, so that's how I know she still loves me. Tonight she gave me extra supper.