Saturday, June 21, 2008

Good news

My Mama got something called a "promotion" and a "raise" this week. I'm not sure what those things are, but they must be good, because it made her happy. And it's made me happy, too, because that "raise" thing is going to get me a bigger playpen. Mama just ordered it. Yay! More room to bounce!

Uh oh, it's the middle of the day, but it just got really dark outside. I know what that means. Off to hide under a chair...


molly said...

My mom was cranky after her job this week and she said she was going to work on something called a "res-u-may". I don't know what that is but she said she was "fed up". This morning I saw a bird and ran across the room to catch it but I ran into the window. My mom thought it was funny.

Dylan said...

My Mama made a res-u-may, and then she got the raise. Maybe your mom will get one, too, and buy you stuff.

I've never run into the window, but once I was running from the living room into the big closet by the door and forgot the closet floor doesn't have carpet. I was going really fast, and slid across the floor on my butt right into the big container my hay is in. Mama laughed at me.

molly said...

Tonight my Mom let me go out into the hallway. She said I am turning into a lard butt. How very rude.

Anonymous said...

I know what dark means during the day....time to run and bark!

Congrats to your mom and to you (for th bigger playpen!).