Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Happy Holidays

Christmas has come and gone. I am sad about that. I really like Christmas. I got lots of neat stuff from Mama, Grandma, my aunts, and Santa Paws. I gots: lots of yummy treats, a stuffed hippo, 2 toy balls (one with a jingly bell inside!) and a new story book about a bunny. Yay! I also got a new blanky. I like to snuggle up with it and nap.

I got to be out of my cage on Christmas morning. Boy oh boy, was that fun. All those shiny pretty presents to look at! I went from package to package, and I even helped open some of them. Then I got to eat some of the wrapping paper.

Is this for me?

I wonder what's in here...

I love presents

I love wrapping paper

After we got done with presents, I was so excited I ran round and round the living room! ZOOOOM!!! Then, in the afternoon, I took a nice long nap. I had a lot of excitement for a little bunny.

I hope everyone else had a good Christmas, too!


molly said...


I am glad you had a nice Christmas. Mine was very quiet; my Mom went to see my Grandma and another lady came to take care of me. But my Mom gave me a special breakfast and special dinner. I ate it all because I was hungry.

I am having fun playing with my snowman from Auntie 'Nessa, and my Mom helps me chase it. I am taking lots of naps and today I let my Mom hold me and cuddle me.

Dylan said...

I am taking lots of naps, too. But I'm still spending extra time with Mama while she's home. I'll miss her when she goes back to work tomorrow.

Toys are fun, aren't they? I love all mine. I have lots of toys. Do you have lots of toys, too?

molly said...

I have lots of toys. I have my snowman and lots of stuffed mice. My Mom found my favorite mouse last night in the closet and I was so happy. I thought it was gone forever. Auntie Jo sent me toys, too. I don't understand why my Mom is home all the time and I am meowing a lot.

Dylan said...

Your Mom was home because of Christmas. It's an extra present for us pets.