Sunday, January 18, 2009

New year, new house

Happy New Year!

Mama has gone back to work and school, which sucks because that means less time and attention for me. But before that, Mama made me a cool new playhouse! It's got two stories to play on, 2 doors, and three windows. I can even come and go from the second floor if I want. Check it out:



Here's me playing on the second floor:



Neat, huh? I play in it pretty much every day. I'm even doing some home improvements, like chewing on the windows to make them bigger. And eating the back door.


molly said...

I really like your house, Dylan. I think it is neat. I do not have a house to play in buy my grandpa made me a scratching post and sometimes I like to sit on top of it in my sunbeam.

My Mom went back to work, too. It makes her very tired and at bedtime I like to curl up beside her and purr her to sleep. But tonight my Mom swatted me and said a bad word, because she was trying to put my water down and I butted her hand with my head, and she spilled everything. I was just trying to be nice. I ran away and hid until she took my treats out.

Dylan said...

I'm sorry you do not have a playhouse, Molly. Maybe your Mom will find a big box and make you one?

I'm also sorry you got yelled at. I think your Mom needs a refresher training course.

Training these people can be a bit of a chore, can't it?

molly said...

I have a neat playhouse-my Mom puts her clothes in it and I like to hide in it while they are warm and smell nice.

Mom patted me and told me she was sorry for swatting me-I think she was just tired. She gave me treats. She told me tonight that my medicine would be coming soon. I don't like medicine.

Dylan said...

Mama's yelled at me when she's gotten really really tired, too. Then she feels bad and I get an extra treat.

I might have gotten medicine when I first got to the humane society. I try not to remember though, because I wasn't doing so great then.