Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Vacation journal, part 3

July 4, 2007

Hiya Mama,
Dylan here. Got my pellets bright and early this morning. Then the lady let me out into my playpen. I was so happy – I ran and hopped high in the air right there inside the playpen. I also tried gnawing on the fence to open it up, but that didn’t work.
So – you won’t guess what I’ve spent the morning doing. I’ve been digging, Mama. I take a breather now and then, but not for long.
I spent hours digging, napping, digging, napping.
The lady gave me my greens at 6:00pm and I ate them up without stopping. Then I started nibbling on hay when – shazam! I saw my gate was opened.
So I hopped out and of course the first place I go is to check the bathroom door – rats! It’s shut tight. So then – bingo! – I remember the spot between the fridge and the wall. But wait – oh no – someone has totally blocked the spot. The lid to my hay container is there with a chair pushed up against it. Well, I tell you Mama, I sat and glared at it for a long time, but couldn’t make that blockade disappear. So then I tried to eat a chair leg to get it out of the way, but dammit (sorry, Mama – I mean dang it) that didn’t work either.
Next I hopped on the beanbag. I thought I was quiet, but just as I was thinking of jumping onto your desk, the lady turned around, so I jumped down, before she could even say anything.
So back to the kitchen. I need to sit and think up a plan. Geez, she even piled stuff on the chair so I can’t hop on it, either.
Now, I’m frustrated so it’s back to check the bathroom door = then neato! I can make it to your desk if I go between the slider and the blinds.
Time for a power nap, then groom, groom, groom. Hey, she’s cleaning my cage – fresh hay, fresh water – so I’ll add some fresh you know what!
I got in lots of running and high kicks and leaps. I really gave the lady a great air show!
Now, I’m quietly eating hay and awaiting a sweet, juicy berry.
I’ll see you tomorrow. Gosh, that sounds good! You’re the best Mama, Mama!

Goodnight sweet Mama –

July 5, 2007

Top ‘o the Mornin, Mama –

My mama’s comin’ home today
Home today, home today
My mama’s coming home today
And that makes Dylan hap-py!

Do you like my little tune? I hummed it while I ate breakfast.
Did you have trouble pushing Grandma into her car carrier? Does she sleep in her litter box like I sometimes do? That’d be cool if she did.
The lady left my newspapers scattered around right where I put them, so you could see what a busy bunny I’ve been.
As usual this morning, I’m digging a lot and napping a little. I’m trying to dig to the center of the earth. I think I ate that in a book one day.
I’m listening for the phone to ring today, because the lady said that would be a call from my Mama.
You know, if I could make a sign for you it would say:
Ok, that lady said the phone call I just heard was from you. That means you’re getting closer. So, I’m going to sleep the afternoon away – then the time will go quicker.
I can’t wait to play with you all day tomorrow, Mama. We’ll have a lot of fun just chilling out here – no where to go, nothing to do.
So, I’m going to sign off now, Mama. See ya later, alligator (heh heh – I made that up).
Loads of love, Mama
Your Bunny Boy, Dylan

So, what did you think of my journal? Stayed tuned here, because in a couple of weeks, my mama is going someplace called “Chicago” and that lady is going to come stay with me again and be my scribe.

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