Monday, October 27, 2008

Happy Fall


It's gotten cold outside. I like to lay down next to the slider because the glass is cold.

I had an interesting experience this weekend. My grandma chased me with a lint roller! I didn't want my head brushed, so she lint rolled it. It felt weird. Then I got my butt lint rolled. I didn't like that at all. Grandma said it was better than a brush, but I don't think so.

I did some reading this weekend (when I wasn't hopping away from the lint roller) - it was my old favorite, the Canterbury Tales. I just couldn't put it down. What else should I devour?

Ooooh, I see some fresh unshredded newspaper! Off to play...

1 comment:

molly said...

My Mom has a lint roller, but she doesn't chase me with it. She chases me with the paper towels, though, and at Christmas she chases me with the wrapping paper. This weekend we had "company" and I didn't get to sleep in my bed because the person was "allergic" to me.