Wednesday, June 4, 2008


I had to go to the vet today! I hate going to the vet! There were lots of doggies there, so it was scary, too. I'm very mad at my Mama, even if she did just buy me a new toy.


molly said...

I am so sorry you had to go see that mean man, Dylan. My mom says that if I keep being naughty she will take me to the vet to see if I am sick. But she does not think I am sick; she thinks I am just being a not-good kitty. Tonight me and my mom played with my toys, and she would chase me and go "grrrrrr". There is a loud noise outside and lots of light. I don't like it.

Dylan said...

My vet is actually a lady. Mama says she's nice, and she does pet me and tell me I'm cute, but she also wraps me up like a burrito and pries my mouth open. I don't like her at all.

molly said...

I don't mind my vet so much except when he makes me take medicine. And I don't like getting poked. He did call me "overweight", though. I guess nobody ever told him it's bad manners to comment on a lady's weight.

Dylan said...

I don't have to take any medicine. And the vet lady says I'm "healthy". I think that means my Mama takes good care of me, because she does. She got me dandelion greens (yum!) for my dinner and cleaned my house for me tonight. She pet me for the longest time tonight, too.