Monday, September 1, 2008

Here I am!

Wow. Summer is over? I like when summer is over though, because my Mama is home more, it gets cooler out, and my Grandma comes to visit a bunch. Grandma came to take care of me awhile ago while my Mama went away. She gave me treats, rubbed my forehead lots, and even bought me new toys. I love Grandma. She came to visit this weekend, too, and pet me for the longest time. I just melted into a happy bunny puddle.

Last week wasn't so good. Mama took me to the vet. Why she insists on taking me there, I'll never know. She knows how much I hate to go and how much I hate the vet lady. Mama tried to bribe me with a fresh carrot from my garden, but she should know better than to think I can be bought for that. The vet was all, "A fresh carrot? What could be better than that!" Well, lady, I'll tell you what could be better - not getting dragged to this torture chamber, that's what! Hopefully, I can think of a way to get out of going there again.

I'm on Facebook now. I'm up to 15 friends. Not bad for a little bunny, huh? I'm not really sure what to do with the whole thing, though.

I suppose that's all for now. Sorry I haven't updated in so long!


molly said...

My mom went to my vet the other day, without me. She brought me some food, but she says is called a "new formula" and I don't like it.

Tomorrow my mom has to go back to work. I kind of liked having her home.

Dylan said...

I like having my Mama home, too. Then I get to be out of my cage.

That is sad that you don't like your food. I love mine. I've got Mama trained about what not to put in my bowl, so my breakfast and dinner are always yummy.

molly said...

Today I learned how to feed myself with my feet. I figured out how to pick up my kibble with my paw and put it in my mouth. My Mom saw me and called me "weird". I ate my canned food tonight-I like it if it isn't cold.