Friday, September 7, 2007

Well, time for another journal entry. I hope people like reading these...

August 30, 2007

Yo Mama,
It's me, Dylan, checking in. Got my pellets bright and early this morning. Good thing too, I was starving! I had my furry little bunny face buried in that bowl before it hit the bottom of my cage. With my tummy finally full again, I settled down for a bunny nap.

That lady went to the store again while I slept. You know, Mama, the store you go to, cause the bags say "Kro" - something. She must really eat alot. She had 3 or 4 bags. She said she was taking them home with her. But I'm going to try to stay awake tonight to see if she's eating then too.

Anyway, by 11:30 am I was having free play time in my playpen. So I gophered around for a while under the blanket. Then it was the usual - dig, nap, dig, nap. Then I fell into a deep, deep sleep. It just felt so good to sprawl out.

I was still asleep, under the chair in my playpen, when that lady put my greens in my cage and said something to me. I tell you, Mama, I was awake in a flash and all over that bowl. Then I went out to do a house check.

I spent alot of time in the closet tonight, and under the couch. I was still sleepy, so I did a big yawn and plunked down in front of the slider. SNAP! I came wide awake when that lady put the TV onto a country music channel. I liked it - I loved it - I wanted some more of it! I must be a country bunny at heart. Anyway, I hummed along for awhile, then I just had to move to that music, and did I ever! I ran so fast my paws barely touched the floor.

Well, Mama, I'm just biding my time until the peach arrives. I've nibbled hay, drank water, sprawled out in my litter tray, and now I'm in the living room staring at that lady.

Ok, I'll try a big yawn. Bingo! That worked! Heh heh. She's on her way to the fridge. She fell for it! I'm such a clever bunny.

So, Mama - slurp - we'll talk - slurp, slurp - again tomorrow.

Goodnight dear Mother


Molly said...

My mom likes to read your blog, Dylan. She says you sound like a smart bunny...

My mom has a special word that she uses when she puts food in my bowl. When she comes home at night she always asks me if I'm "hungry". I don't know what "hungry" means but it has to do with food...

Dylan said...

I hear the word "dinner" when my Mama comes home. And "breakfast" when she finally gets up in the morning (what takes her so long, anyway?) And then I get food.

Have you figured out how to open the big box with the food in it? We have this huge white box in our house and I've seen my Mama take my food out of it, but I can't quite figure out how to get in there...

molly said...

My mom makes me stand out of the way when she's putting out my food, she says if I'm "lurking" she can't get into the box. Sometimes she comes home really late and I don't get dinner until after it gets dark. Other times she doesn't come home for a long time and another lady comes to feed me. That lady has a cat, too, but he's a wuss and he doesn't like to play.